Now a days most of the residents are searching the ways for good health and maintaining good food habits and daily arranging time for morning walk. The center of the house, workplace as well as that of each and every room is very important as it is connected with health and is considered to be the heart of the house or workplace.
If you or any of your family member suffering with health problems, check Southeast, South, Southwest and West directions, there should be some problems in such directions and observe certain precautions and particularly observe the Vaastu defects at house.
It is often said health is the greatest of wealth one can hope for in life. While dealing on good principles of constructions to ensure prosperity and happiness in families, Vastu Shastra also lays down certain guidelines for the inhabitants of houses to ensure good health of the body and mind.
To enhance the overall health, it must be made a daily practice to sleep with the head placed towards the south direction. Those people with Vatha and Khapha body constitutions must sleep on the left side and those with Pittha constitution need to sleep on their right side. Ensure that the staircase of the house is never at the centre of the house which shall give way to several health issues. Therefore, position it in a corner only.
Vastu expert Mangesh Kulkarni helps you analyze structure of home or office or factory. He will give a direction-specific study associated with the foundation of a house, building, plot or other constructions. Vastu Shastra affects one's life's quality.